Questions in the Grab Bag category.
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May 2

Mailing books from London to US?

Is there any kind of "media mail" equivalent in the UK? This is for a student who wants to bring his textbooks back to the US after a semester abroad. Shipping speed isn't an issue; obviously the weight of (ahem) too many books is.
posted by BlahLaLa at 1:23 AM - 3 answers

May 1

Most Recognizable Text Snippet

What is the most recognizable snippet of text in existence? [more inside]
posted by smokysunday at 9:04 PM - 39 answers

April 30

Spectrum of views towards Israel and Gaza

In a comment to one of the Gaza-related posts, I (thought) I saw a great breakdown of the ideological spectrum, ranging from “Death to the opposition!” at each extreme to what I thought was a very reasonable spectrum of intermediate positions in 10-15 steps. [more inside]
posted by Calibandage at 12:17 PM - 1 answers

April 29

Where do you go for inspiration?

My laptop crashed and, with it, my entire RSS reader's links directory, which I had been lovingly cultivating for 10 years. As I rebuild it from scratch, I figured I'd ask this community for some recos. [more inside]
posted by missjenny at 5:56 AM - 12 answers

April 28

Where to print bookmarks?

I need custom-sized bookmarks in small runs—500 or less. Online design tools are also necessary. We're in a small town with no comprehensive print shop, so must go online. Recommendations?
posted by partner at 8:19 AM - 8 answers

What happens to mail posted in US where the address is not in English

What happens to mail posted in US where the address is not in English? Recently I was watching a TV show where a Japanese teenager living in a small US town on the East Coast of the US posted a letter to her mother in Japan into a public street letterbox, and every single part of the address (including the country name) was in Hiragana. Would this letter actually make it to Japan, and if so, how?
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 7:34 AM - 10 answers

April 26

What substance is this? I want to glue back together.

This objet d’art fell and the wings broke off. Curious as to what material it is so we can use the appropriate glue. It’s not plaster, is heavier than you’d expect. Is it resin? Zoom in for better detail. It glints in the sunlight. Link to photo
posted by TWinbrook8 at 8:06 AM - 10 answers

Is This A Factor In Choosing An Assisted Living Home For My Mother?

I have been looking for Assisted Living homes for my mother. How concerned should I be about the dingy external appearance of a location? [more inside]
posted by purplesludge at 2:36 AM - 8 answers

April 25

Where can I lie on a bed of nails?

What it says on the tin: I’d like to try lying on a bed of nails — either actual nails or plastic ones (as opposed to an acupressure mat). Preferably in PDX or NYC, but open to all U.S.! [more inside]
posted by knownassociate at 4:38 PM - 5 answers

April 23

Recommend a Tarot deck?

I am interested in buying a Tarot deck. My primary purpose is is for using it in games; mostly table top role playing games and adjacent stuff, but also traditional card games or other modern uses. Things like divination/cartomancy/meditation/contemplation are of some interest but not my main use case. [more inside]
posted by SaltySalticid at 7:49 AM - 15 answers

April 21

Protein calories not adding up

I know that the numbers on a nutrition label are estimates, usually rounded up to nearest whole number, but this seems weird. Can of skipjack tuna says it has 31 grams of protein but the calorie count is 113. If protein has 4 calories per gram...what gives? Should I assume the calorie count is wrong or the protein count?
posted by Rufous-headed Towhee heehee at 5:47 PM - 2 answers

Should I buy some facebook fixit car paint

A car side-swiped me in an attempt to cut me off in traffic. I have the license plate number and details etc. But the damage appears to be just to the paint. I have not yet reported the collision or called my insurance company. This was on Friday. Facebook is advertising magic rub-it-on-and-fix-the-scratches car paint. Should I just buy some stuff and rub it on my car and move on and avoid involving my insurance company. This is in Ontario. My deductible is $1000. If you think I should just buy something, is there any specific product you recommend?
posted by If only I had a penguin... at 4:33 PM - 6 answers

N95 mask for 2024 - larger face

I am searching for an N95 mask (no KN95s) that will fit my fat, long face. I don't have a great big head; it's just my face is fat, and the distance from the bridge of my nose to below my chin seems to be a problem for many masks (I have a big nose for a small woman). I am hoping that someone out there has the answer for me. No earloops, please - just the double-headband ones. [more inside]
posted by tzikeh at 9:28 AM - 8 answers

Backpack for EDC

Favourite backpack broke. Sad. Need new one. Must be 18-25L, laptop compartment, blue or green, external water bottle side pocket, good internal organisation e.g. pen holders, smaller pockets, not too outdoorsy, not too formal, water resistant and handsome looking. Not much to ask for? Any price is a good price.
posted by MT at 6:49 AM - 14 answers

April 16

Bad habit displacement activity?

Did you change or discontinue a bad habit partly or wholly by replacing it with an innocuous other activity? Please tell me more! [more inside]
posted by humbug at 5:26 PM - 20 answers

Can I hot glue onto plastic animals and then peel off hotglue?

I am going to make some hats like these for plastic animals for a birthday cake [If you don't want to bother clicking, they're just little paper birthday hats). I was thinking it sure would be convenient to hot glue the hats onto the animals. If I do, will I be able to just peel/pull the glue off afterwards without damaging the animals?
posted by If only I had a penguin... at 12:07 PM - 9 answers

April 14

Cleaning exhaust fan grills in Seattle metro area

I have a hood over my stove and its grills are covered in cooking oil. It's probably a fire hazard at this point, if not soon. Cleaning them in the dishwasher and using a garden hose didn't help, and I don't have a pressure washer. Are there services in the Seattle, WA metro area that will clean kitchen stove exhaust fan grills? [more inside]
posted by They sucked his brains out! at 11:35 PM - 11 answers

Should I charge for a test run / "soft open" art class?

I've been invited to teach a two-day art class in June and need to work through my pacing, make sure instructions are clear, etc., so I'm planning to put out a call on Facebook for friends to help me with a practice run. Of course, there's a plate of beans involved: [more inside]
posted by Sweetie Darling at 7:36 AM - 14 answers

April 12

Help me find a (very) fake gun to demonstrate safety devices!

I run a program that promotes safe firearm storage. We have big money to expand the program this year and need some affordable fake handguns we can use to show how trigger locks work. Details within! [more inside]
posted by centrifugal at 12:47 PM - 7 answers

April 11

I hope space is awesome, dad

My dad passed away today. He was a major outer space nerd. Is there some sort of way we could put his name/memory/something out into space? [more inside]
posted by creatrixtiara at 6:09 AM - 23 answers

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