N95 mask for 2024 - larger face
April 21, 2024 9:28 AM   Subscribe

I am searching for an N95 mask (no KN95s) that will fit my fat, long face. I don't have a great big head; it's just my face is fat, and the distance from the bridge of my nose to below my chin seems to be a problem for many masks (I have a big nose for a small woman). I am hoping that someone out there has the answer for me. No earloops, please - just the double-headband ones.

I went with this Powecom KN95 mask for a few years, but it doesn't feel like a 100% fit seal, and while I'm sure most everyone will tell me I'm nit-picking, I would prefer an N95. I then tried the 3M N95 Aura, which I *loved*, except for one thing - my face is long and fat, and the cup formed by the mask is too short -- it either moves down my nose when I talk, or the part that's supposed to stay under the chin doesn't. If they made an Aura in a slightly bigger size, that would be the perfect mask for me.

I don't care what the mask looks like - duckbill, flat-fold, round, whatever - and I don't particularly care if it's not "comfy." I need an N95 that uses headbands (one high and one low), will maintain a good seal to my face and not shift around, and isn't too small for me.

Also, I wear glasses, so it would be great if it passed the fog test.

Thanks to everyone who has an answer.

I've read the previous posts about N95s and none of them quite addressed my issue.

(Category choice was between "shopping" and "grab bag," and I think this is a little more grab-baggy.)
posted by tzikeh to Grab Bag (8 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I like this KimTech/Kimberly-Clark duckbill: https://www.kcprofessional.com/en-us/products/scientific-and-research/lab-environment/disposable-masks/kimtech%E2%84%A2-n95-pouch-respirator/53358 I also have a big face, and this does well for me.
posted by humbug at 9:41 AM on April 21

We find the Gerson 3230 much comfier for a range of faces than the Aura. You might also want to check out the Flo mask, which I find very comfortable. It sits on your chin, not under, so it could work better for you.
posted by equipoise at 10:38 AM on April 21

Trend Stealth Lite is worth checking out. There's also the Redi-mask which is glued onto your face.
posted by Sophont at 11:41 AM on April 21

Maybe try SoftSeal, a disposable mask with a silicone seal built-in and a choice of sizes?
posted by zachlipton at 1:10 PM on April 21

Best answer: I'm a large male who wears glasses, and I found these Honeywell N95 masks to be a good fit. I also like how they include the foam inside the nose-bridge which helps reduce fogging of my glasses.
posted by jpeacock at 1:31 PM on April 21 [2 favorites]

Since the Aura is almost perfect for you, I've seen praise for the Draeger XPlore 1950--described by people as like an Aura, but a smidge bigger. Armbrust reviewed the German edition of it positively. This Amazon review says to start with the small first even for a larger face and move up if it doesn't work. And the performance done by community CPC testing is on par with the Aura.

Another 3M option recommended from the Masks4All Reddit Wiki is the 3M Vflex 9105.

There's also the Envo Pro, which is what my larger faced partner uses sometimes with the N99 filters but there's also N95 filters; it's too big for my wee fat face. The picture for the n99 version even is a larger faced woman. (Note: it looks like they're currently in need of an SSL site fix so you might run into that until they fix it.)
posted by foxfirefey at 2:44 PM on April 21 [1 favorite]

I have settled solidly on the 3M VFlex 9105 N95, size Standard, after trying a few different kinds including the Aura. I also find the Aura too small. I've been wearing nothing but the Vflex 9105 for a few years now. (...well also some clothes.)

You might remember that I have a big cubical head and a fat face, and the Vflex 9105 gets and stays comfortably seated (I gently snug the rubber bands in about an inch or so on each side before putting it on). It also has a good strong wire over the nose, which forms well to my nose bridge and keeps my glasses from fogging.

If you'd like me to send you a couple samples in the mail to try, drop me a line! They fold up small.
posted by theatro at 8:22 AM on April 23

Response by poster: I bought a pack each of the Gerson 3230, the 3M VFlex, and the Honeywell, and the Honeywell is a perfect fit plus it really does prevent glasses fog, which is huge. Thanks jpeacock!
posted by tzikeh at 4:26 PM on April 25

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