Spectrum of views towards Israel and Gaza
April 30, 2024 12:17 PM   Subscribe

In a comment to one of the Gaza-related posts, I (thought) I saw a great breakdown of the ideological spectrum, ranging from “Death to the opposition!” at each extreme to what I thought was a very reasonable spectrum of intermediate positions in 10-15 steps.

I wanted to share it with some family, but I didn’t save it and I’m having trouble finding it again; I would appreciate any help finding it if this rings a bell for anyone else.
posted by Calibandage to Grab Bag (2 answers total) 16 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Unclear whether this is what you're talking about since it's mainly a summary of intra-community disagreements, but this post on the many different ways in which anti-Zionism/non-Zionism/Zionism is used as a self-identification label within the Jewish community has been making the rounds in my Jewish-adjacent circles.
posted by mostly vowels at 10:05 AM on May 2 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: Thanks mostly vowels. That’s another listing that I hadn’t seen.

I think what I was mis-remembering was this comment on a reddit thread about Bernie Sanders’ recent remarks:

I’m disappointed that people seem to be unable to distinguish between:
not liking Netanyahu
not liking Israel’s behavior in this war
not liking Jews
wanting Palestinians to have a home
favoring a 2-state solution
being pro-Hamas
being pro-Jewish-genocide
being anti-Palestinian genocide
These are different opinions and political stances. Some of them seem to be in conflict, some are not, but it’s possible to hold one of those opinions without being in favor of all of them.

posted by Calibandage at 5:16 PM on May 5

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