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May 16

Adventurous Travel with Kids?

I am wondering how fantastical my international travel dreams are now that I have a kid and am middle aged. [more inside]
posted by Sophiaverde at 7:55 PM - 13 answers

Charming seaside towns in Northern Spain with a train station?

My husband and I are thinking of renting a place in Northern Spain for a month next summer -- and we love trains! We'd love to be in a charming, walkable village, ideally close to the sea, which also has a transit train stop so that we can get to Barcelona/farther-flung locations fairly easily without having to drive ourselves/use the bus system. Which towns do you recommend?
posted by egeanin around Portugal at 2:24 PM - 3 answers

May 15

Where to eat in Las Vegas?

I'm heading to Last Vegas this month for work and want to eat healthy. I'm limited to $15 for lunch and $30 for dinner, including tip. No alcohol. Any tips? [more inside]
posted by Toddles around Las Vegas, NV at 9:24 PM - 6 answers

Reno, baby

What's fun to do and where's fun to stay in Reno? We are a middle aged mom and young adult child; queers, nerds, enjoy history, fun facts, stuff that we won't see at home.
posted by latkes around Reno, NV at 8:38 PM - 4 answers

Dark skies viewing camping in Oregon

Oregon now has a few different designated dark sky parks for stargazing. This summer I would like to plan a trip to camp out under the stars. [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter around Oregon at 9:24 AM - 1 answers

May 14

Toronto travel: walkable ethnic enclaves

Headed to Toronto in June. We are big walkers and would love suggestions for areas that showcase the city’s diversity. We will have a car and are staying in Toronto Metropolitan University student housing. Shopping centers or malls count too if they’ve got interesting stuff
posted by genmonster around Old Toronto, ON at 9:56 AM - 13 answers

May 13

Road Trip Tampa to NYC - 5 days in June (difficulty: no major cities)

Please give me your suggestions of places to stop and spend anywhere between 2-6 hours, places to spend the night. We're looking for awesome nature, hiking with a view, picturesque areas. Cute unique towns are good too. No beaches unless there's unique nature stuff to explore. Happy to venture away from I95 and explore more inland than along the coast even if the drive takes longer. So if you have favorite places anywhere along the way, please suggest them. [more inside]
posted by dabadoo around West Whiteland Township, PA at 11:46 AM - 12 answers

May 12

8 day Norway itinerary in August

We'll be in Norway for 8 days with our 7 year old. We'd love an itinerary for how many days to spend where to see as much as we can of this beautiful country. We're flying in and out of Oslo but need recommendations for where else to visit. [more inside]
posted by dabadoo around Norway at 9:41 AM - 16 answers

May 11

Famous places not really in places?

What are some examples of famous locations that are not technically in the places/cities we associate them with? Examples below the fold. [more inside]
posted by Meldanthral at 1:30 PM - 50 answers

May 10

On The Road and Need Trolley Bag Wheel Repair

I'm in Bangkok traveling and have noticed a wheel on my trusty 15 y/o North Face 35l roller is damaged. I don't have a Thai phone number so can't buy replacement wheels on Lazada, I can buy these ones on US Amazon and get them shipped from China, or maybe I can fill the gap with a strong glue - is that worth a shot?
posted by my log does not judge at 10:42 PM - 3 answers

Help a family see the Northern Lights tmrw eve (pdx area)

Hi pals, my family and I (6 adults) would like to go see the Northern Lights (or have a good shot at it) tomorrow evening somewhere 1-2 hours in pretty much any direction from Portland, Oregon. We would need it to be accessible by car, as a couple folks in our party aren't able to hike. Where would you go for this, PNW explorers? Thank you!
posted by fairlynearlyready at 10:09 PM - 10 answers

May 9

Maritimes cruise minus brochures and gift shops?

Over an extended Memorial Day vacation, we're cruising up the eastern seaboard through Canada. The cruise "excursions" are yawn-worthy or cheesy, so we're rolling our own. Help us figure out the best places to BE for our particular combination of dates and stops. Snowflakey details inside. [more inside]
posted by cross_impact around Mcadam, NB at 7:13 PM - 6 answers

Noise cancel culture me

I used to travel very frequently, but then I changed careers and there was that whole pandemic thing, so I'm going on a proper trip for the first time since 2020, and I want to make the experience as non-awful as possible. My beloved Sennheiser noise-canceling headset has seen better days, plus my devices now don't have headphone receptacles. I'm seeking suggestions for what's good for travel noise canceling in the modern era. Snowflakes within. [more inside]
posted by LadyOscar at 7:10 PM - 21 answers

East Sussex without a car?

How hard is it to get around East Sussex (Lewes/Alfriston area) without a car? [more inside]
posted by Awkward Philip around East Sussex, England at 1:57 PM - 3 answers

Itinerary for two weeks in Panama with a toddler and a 5 year old

I've booked two weeks in July in Panama. We will be travelling with our 5 yr old and an 18 month old. Flying into Panama City. Looking for your ideas, tips, tricks, and general thoughts. [more inside]
posted by sid around Panama at 7:46 AM - 2 answers

Any recommendations on road trips this summer?

Hi all - I figured I'd get better feedback here than spending hours on Google (you all know your stuff :)). A friend and I want to do a road trip and see some cool sights this July. He's in Seattle and I'm in Raleigh and we're thinking about going north. We've been to Calgary which was beautiful but looking to try something different. We don't mind a manageable road trip but we'd like to see some towns/cities that have cool bars, restaurants, decent crowd, etc. We also want to hike and do some outdoor stuff. We'll consider it all - from Alaska to Quebec City :) Are there are trips or routes that you'd recommend we look at?
posted by matt755811 at 6:03 AM - 11 answers

May 8

Best way to get high speed data on my American phone in Mexico?

I'm traveling to Mexico next week and instead of buying the (expensive) international data pass through my American cell provider, thought I'd see about getting a Mexican plan with an eSIM, but it's horribly confusing (which maybe speak more to the general poor state of web search.) Looking for recommendations. Thanks!
posted by rhymedirective around Mexico at 1:09 PM - 12 answers

Marriage is hard. Anniversary planning is harder

Our 20th anniversary is coming up and we're looking for trip ideas (not gifts). I'm not saying what we like, because we've already done the stuff we like--we're interested in how other people would choose to celebrate and what they'd do. So let us steal your dream idea! [more inside]
posted by limagringo at 5:35 AM - 28 answers

May 7

Shore excursions in Walvis Bay Namibia

I'm looking for recommendations for shore excursions in Walvis Bay, Namibia. We are 3 adults on a cruise ship and this is our first time in Walvis Bay. Do you have any recommendations for activities or places to eat? Thanks!
posted by my_metafilter_account around Walvis Bay, Namibia at 9:32 PM - 2 answers

May 6

Trip ideas: London, Prague, Vienna (July 2024)

My wife and I are traveling to these locations * London, * Prague * Vienna over 8 days the first week of July this year (2024) and are looking for ideas on what to see and do when we are there. A couple days in each location. Relatively flexible. [more inside]
posted by GernBlandston at 7:17 AM - 16 answers

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