Need helpful ideas for finding a room to rent in the Denver area
April 23, 2024 2:51 AM   Subscribe

I'm currently renting a room, but the couple who owns this house are divorcing, and they need to sell the house. I'm trying to find a new room to rent, but not having much luck. I could use some suggestions please.

They plan to put this house on the market on May 1st, and I *have* been looking, but haven't found a place yet. To my understanding, legally I can stay until the end of my lease on July 31st even if they sell the house (I've been looking up renter's rights and so forth). But I want everyone to be happy and I really, really want to find and get settled in a new place ASAP.

The landlords and various contractors have come into my room over 15 times in March and April, and for many of these intrusions I received less than 24 hours notice. Various things had to be inspected, a door had to be replaced, and I was as nice and agreeable as I could be during all this, but it was incredibly stressful for me. I like my privacy, but I had no choice but to cooperate. I just want everything to be as harmonious as possible.

I have looked for places on Craigslist and sent about a dozen and a half emails, with few responses. I went and saw one place, but it was in a sketchy neighborhood and run-down and there's a hyper dog that jumps up on people, so that's a last-resort option, I think.

I also received replies from another place, but I don't quite feel it's right for me. I really just need a bedroom where I can close the door and have privacy, and a secondary bathroom to use if the bathroom closest to me is occupied (I have run into issues with a lack of this before).

I work from home as an artist and writer, and my family generously pays my rent for now. I know a lot of places won't rent to someone without a job, so that makes things a bit more difficult.

I'm about to try contacting people renting rooms on Zillow, and I check Craigslist regularly as well, but I do not have a facebook account currently so I don't have direct access to Facebook Marketplace.

My brother does, but I worry that involving him as a middle-man for contact with potential landlords would annoy him and seem sketchy to the people offering rooms, so I don't know. A long time ago I did make a facebook account, but they didn't give me access to Facebook Marketplace for some reason, and I have no idea when or if I could get access to it. So I'm not sure if that's even possible.

I'm quiet and I don't drink or smoke or have pets. I don't have a car, so I don't even need parking. I don't do 420 stuff (legal here, but lots of landlords refuse to rent to people who partake). I have zero criminal record, and nothing beyond a traffic ticket every 10-15 years or so.

So yeah, main question: Where else in addition should I be looking? Do you have any strategies that might help me in my search? I'd be grateful for any suggestions. I'm really eager to get this handled as soon as possible. I'd prefer to stay in the same suburb where I am now, because it's very close to where family is. But I'm open to widening my search area.
posted by cats are weird to Home & Garden (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I suggest a "burner" Facebook account, just to get you access to the marketplace. Needs must. Also there are quite a few roommate finder sites such as (you can google up more yourself). Also check bulletin boards in laundromats near where you want to live. If there's a college or university nearby, go into the student life centre and see what's on their walls.
posted by seanmpuckett at 5:05 AM on April 23 [3 favorites]

I had best luck on and Zillow for an early 2024 Denver move.
posted by paradeofblimps at 6:35 AM on April 23

What is your network like in the area? A lot of room to rent in a home situations happen through word of mouth. Can you ask around among friends and ask them to keep an eye out or let you know if they know of anything?

This is easier if you have Facebook and a network of friends on Facebook, which a brand new Facebook account won't get you immediately, but do you have local friend (in addition to your brother) who are themselves on Facebook? Can you ask them to post on their feeds? In terms of acting as a go between, they should only make the initial post ('My friend is looking for X, they are clean, quiet, yadda yadda. They aren't on FB, but I can put you in touch if you know of anything.') and then if anyone says they know of anything, provide your phone number and/or email address through messages or get their phone number / email address through messages to put the two parties in touch.

Is there a NextDoor in your area? NextDoor is a cess pool, but asking around if anyone knows anyone who has rooms to rent doesn't mean you have to read all the horrible things that are also on NextDoor.
posted by jacquilynne at 7:11 AM on April 23 [1 favorite]

One option if you can't find anything immediately is a monthly rental through AirBnB until you find something.
posted by ShooBoo at 7:22 AM on April 23

The summer before last I had to find a short term stay in Denver and used Travel Nurse Housing. I'm not a nurse, but I was able to find something reasonable and was there for almost three months.
posted by roue at 7:39 AM on April 23

If you are near a university you might look at the off-campus housing listings. Here is the one for University of Colorado Denver, for example
posted by olopua at 9:20 AM on April 23

tough spot. my kid's family is in the same bind, denver being a super tight market and only getting worse.

you could try over in aurora. I think you have no shot at anything near broadway, du, downtown, or lakewood.

hope you find a kickin deal.
posted by j_curiouser at 9:51 AM on April 23

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