I miss Aritzia TNAChill leggings - looking for a similar style in Canada
April 17, 2024 10:13 AM   Subscribe

I loved Aritzia TNAChill leggings. I am not a fan of their new cotton legging, the Hold It - they added more spandex, which makes it tighter and less breathable. The Chill were perfect for, well, chilling. Other specifications below:

They must be a natural fiber (the Chill was 95% cotton). Actually, I'm not against synthetics on principle - if there's some super breathable synthetic fiber I'm not aware of, I'm willing to try it, but polyester makes me feel like I'm suffocating.

Not too much spandex - I know this is often a minus for people because the Chill did sag easily, was see through, and wore out quickly, but they were sooo comfortable.

Wide, flat waistband - not the thin elastic that digs in.

I'm looking for low rise, would be happy with mid rise, and would grudgingly accept high rise if all other conditions are met.

I would prefer they ship to Canada, but I am visiting US relatives soon so if you do have something that's otherwise perfect, let me know.
posted by wheatlets to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total)
My go-tos are the Gap Basic leggings, which are also on sale right now (never buy anything from the Gap for regular price!). 92% cotton, 8% spandex. They're mid-rise, but have a flat wide waistband. They're super comfy and pretty opaque.
posted by urbanlenny at 11:29 AM on April 17

Have you tried Lululemon leggings? In some ways they differ from what you describe but they are extremely good quality and comfy! Worth the price in my opinion. And it’s a Canadian company with a lot of retail stores and an excellent online return policy, if you wanted to just try them on.
posted by nouvelle-personne at 12:27 PM on April 17

These are high rise, unfortunately, but Lole has 95% cotton leggings.

For comfort, I suggest broadening your search to something with Tencel, although it looks like the brand I was going to recommend (Paper Label) doesn't have anything with a wide waistband at the moment.

I also find synthetics uncomfortable, and share the pain of almost everything having both polyester and a high spandex content these days!
posted by ersatzhuman at 6:00 AM on April 18

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