Questions in the Work & Money category.
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May 2

Etiquette of asking for money

I transferred a fairly expensive ticket to a friend-of-a-friend and am not sure how/if/when to ask them for the cost of it without being a jerk. Advice? [more inside]
posted by We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese at 8:23 AM - 28 answers

May 1

home equity loan after bankruptcy?

My husband and I had a chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2020 (discharged over three, but less than four years ago). We own our home outright, and I'd like to get a home equity loan or line of credit. I know banks differ on their exact policies about this kind of thing, but I'm wondering if anyone is aware of lending institutions with shorter timelines or more lenient policies...the bankruptcy was a direct result of Covid lockdown closing our business, so if there's any exception for extenuating circumstances, I think we would have a good chance.
posted by lgyre at 11:44 AM - 5 answers

April 25

What exactly does professional bookkeeping do for a small non-profit?

As a non-accounting person, I'm vaguely aware that accounting can be complicated. Since starting in my ED role about two months ago, though, I'm not sure that our operation is complicated enough to warrant what we spend for a large external accounting firm. This is not related to auditing, which is done separately. Many more details about our specific circumstances inside. [more inside]
posted by Shepherd at 1:30 PM - 5 answers

Grandboss doesn't like me because I'm quiet, now what?

Today, quite out of the blue, my grandboss strongly implied that he didn't like my personality. I have to work in close proximity with this dude on the regular. How to proceed? [more inside]
posted by RoseyPosey at 1:23 PM - 19 answers

Is anything worth a long commute?

Continuing the job hunt and received a job interview invite for a job I'd be excited about, but I realized how bad of a commute it would be. Should I go through with the interview or give it up? What would make a long commute worth it to you? [more inside]
posted by socky bottoms at 11:59 AM - 33 answers

April 23

Bookfilter: Job choice guidance for driven, early career women

My S/O is facing an inflection point in her career and considering her options. I'd like to find some well-regarded outside advice that might resonate with her. [more inside]
posted by Inspector.Gadget at 7:56 AM - 2 answers

April 22

Didn't get job of a lifetime - how to feel better about my future?

I'm a university professor, currently at a very mediocre school that doesn't even feature into the top 300 world rankings. I had an interview last week for a top school (think Harvard) in one of the world's only dedicated research centres in my field. I didn't get it, I think I self-sabotaged and now I feel that I might never get over it. [more inside]
posted by surely sorley at 11:52 PM - 25 answers

How would you respond?

Previously I have a pretty nice co worker, and today I began telling her about that person in link. [more inside]
posted by Rumi'sLeftSock at 8:30 PM - 20 answers

April 20

You have 90 days

I will be laid off from my job in 90 days. This job has been utterly exhausting and demoralizing and I am thrilled that the end is near. I would like to use the next 90 days to start the burnout healing process and maximize getting all my affairs in order before hitting the job market again. What tips do y'all have? [more inside]
posted by forkisbetter at 11:44 AM - 11 answers

April 18

Help me feel better about airbrushed images at work

I work for a company that designs household electronics. Recently, management added a large photo mural to the wall of the corridor that I work on, with 20 head shots of female models using some of the hair products which are one of the wide range of products that the company makes. It's the sort of thing that would be in magazines: there's not a freckle, wrinkle, stray hair or blemish in sight. Everyone has perfect, smooth skin and is thin and young and beautiful. Looking at this mural every day upsets me. [more inside]
posted by iplaytheviol at 2:04 PM - 16 answers

Any value in getting free Experian credit monitoring service?

So Institution X screwed-up and some of my personal info got loose, including my full name, SSN, and possibly my driver's license number. To compensate, Institution X is offering free "Experian IdentityWorks Credit 3B" for 24 months ... [more inside]
posted by ZenMasterThis at 8:16 AM - 7 answers

April 17

State Farm Home Insurance Self Assessment—What Can I Expect?

I've just gotten an email from my home insurance provider telling me I'm going to have to do a self assessment and I don't know what to expect. More than a little bit nervous. [more inside]
posted by ivanthenotsoterrible at 11:34 AM - 3 answers

What is most important in my job?

A lot of productivity advice recommends figuring out what the most impactful tasks you have are, and focusing more of your energy on these. This is good advice, but how do I know what those tasks are? (Aside from asking my boss.) I do a variety of things: is it most important that I do them quickly, or that I do them well, or that I am pleasant to the people requesting them? How do I determine what my focus should be? Please recommend an exercise to help me figure out what the values are in my workplace so that I can strive for excellence. I really want to do well in this job.
posted by epanalepsis at 7:25 AM - 18 answers

April 16

Pregnancy rights for pregnant working women in NYC?

YANML but I find this area of law to be a confusing maze. And my pregnancy brain has lost some of its processing power. What laws do I need to be aware of that offer me some protection in the workplace while I’m pregnant in NYC? [more inside]
posted by Riverside at 1:15 PM - 4 answers

How do I calculate a "likely" cost based on a range of estimates?

For anyone with financial modeling experience I'm wondering how you handle a situation where you need to combine a range of possible cost values into a single number for further analysis. See inside for more details. [more inside]
posted by 12%juicepulp at 10:11 AM - 7 answers

Help me assess the morals of applying for a C-Suite role

I'm currently working as interim CTO at a technology company. I'm a contractor, and I'm considering whether or not to apply for the role on a FTE basis, but I'm worried about just adding yet another middle-aged white male C-suite member to the world. [more inside]
posted by gmb at 7:33 AM - 15 answers

Your magic work phrase

Someone told me if you are late to a meeting, say “Thanks for your patience”. I liked that and use it often. A Mefi whose name escapes me, when put in the spot. suggested saying “I don’t want to give you my first answer, I want to give you the right answer, let me get back to you”. I also liked that and use it often. What are the phrases you use at work that help better communicate / frame / set expectations / lead / work with your colleagues?
posted by jasondigitized at 6:00 AM - 53 answers

April 15

Incredibly middle-aged question about home appraisal, taxes, blah

This is a question where I partly don't know what I don't know, so I have to bumble my way toward asking what I'm asking, but essentially I'm trying to figure out what's up with my home appraisal and whether I should be contesting it and, if it's too complicated to answer here, who I should be even asking. This in Texas and I'm not sure to what extent the question is localized. [more inside]
posted by less-of-course at 3:41 PM - 12 answers

Work is an infinite spiral of ennui and tedium. Someone help me.

In a nutshell, I am a frustrated artistic, literary, nature-loving, spiritual type who has a stable 'career' in communications but my soul is slowly dying. I am bored. I hate screen-based life. I hate my colleagues. I hate the work. Someone help. [more inside]
posted by foxmardou at 10:11 AM - 19 answers

Considering Leaving Teaching; What's Next?

My tenth year of teaching has felt like my worst, and I am considering a career change. I am not sure what to do next. I'm not sure what I'm qualified for, I'm not sure whom to talk to, I don't know how to get started. Please help me with your knowledge and experience. [more inside]
posted by The Larch at 6:19 AM - 22 answers

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