Questions in the Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation category.
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March 26

Tickets for Candidates Tournament

I'm heading to Toronto with my brother for the (Candidates Tournament) in late April. Tickets appear to be sold out and my brother was only able to get one ticket for Thursday April 18 and one ticket for Saturday April 20. I'd love to find a way to buy tickets so we can both attend at the same time, and happy to pay a premium, but doesn't seem like there are resellers. Does anyone have any idea on how or where to buy additional tickets? Thanks!
posted by slide at 10:48 AM - 1 answers

March 25

Solar power for modern phones?

Planning an extended backcountry backpacking trip and would like to use my iPhone as a camera, which means I need a way to charge it. I have a MagSafe battery pack that I could connect to a solar panel while hiking. Are there any recommendations for a lightweight, relatively inexpensive folding panel that could push enough juice to recharge the MagSafe pack? Specifically looking for something that can be placed on top of the pack to recharge the MagSafe battery while hiking. [more inside]
posted by caution live frogs at 8:41 AM - 9 answers

March 24

Bay Area Backpacking with Kids

Hi! One of our kids is interested in "backpacking" and so we are trying to find a Bay Area option. In my dreams, this would be a loop that we could do over two nights and three days, with about 2-3 miles to walk each day between the trailhead and the campsites, though I'm not even sure if that's the right distance, having never tried this with kids. But we're open to other options! [more inside]
posted by Spokane at 10:16 AM - 12 answers

March 16

What's the modern version of Trivial Pursuit?

I'd like to play more general knowledge quizzes with my family, and I used to enjoy Trivial Pursuit. Has it kept up with the times, or are there better options today? [more inside]
posted by snarfois at 11:47 AM - 8 answers

March 15

Buying a black light - how to pick a safe one?

I'm looking to buy a small UV flashlight to observe fluorescence in some mineral samples, but after hearing about the party where the NFT bros suffered eye damage from the wrong type of UV lights, I'm concerned about just picking a random one off Amazon. What should I be looking for, and is there a reputable supplier out there? (Difficulty: must ship to EU, would prefer to spend <€20.)
posted by nanny's striped stocking at 6:27 AM - 8 answers

Muddy Wheels and Muddy Everything Else

It's mud season in Vermont. I have a gravel bike. What is your routine/strategy for getting your bike clean after each use? Not interested in youtube videos of how to clean bikes.
posted by Xurando at 4:10 AM - 12 answers

March 14

Rules-lite and ready to fight (or not)

What are some of your favourite micro-TTRPGs from the last several years? [more inside]
posted by Shepherd at 5:46 PM - 5 answers

March 10

What is the difference between rugby, Australian football, US football?

What is the difference between a) rugby b) Australian football c) American football? Also, why do the American football players have to wear armour when British rugby players and Australian football players don't wear armour? Please explain in a way that makes sense to someone who just had to google what a rugby ball looks like.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 7:08 AM - 20 answers

March 7

Online games involving anonymous cooperation with strangers?

I used to love the Hearthstone Tavern Brawl that made you and your randomly matched opponent work together to beat a boss instead of fighting each other. Are there any online games built on that sort of mechanic? [more inside]
posted by Rhedyn at 12:01 PM - 10 answers

March 4

How to keep a tent cool in the summer? No electric outlet

I'm going to be living in my car/a tent during the summer. I would like to keep it as cool as possible. Only difficulty: Texas, couple of hundred dollars budget, and it's a Chevy Spark. Help please. [more inside]
posted by Jacen at 10:58 AM - 21 answers

March 2

Kid-friendly, neurospicy-friendly escape room in Seattle area, please?

My kid turns 10 in October and the most "tween-y" birthday party theme she could think of was an escape room. We live in Seattle. Attendees would be in 2nd to 4th grade and some of them are various manners of neurodivergent. Please help me figure out how to do this, as the only escape room place I know of is way too creepy AND involves math and geography these kids haven't learned yet. I'm open to something packaged that we can do at home as well. Thank you!
posted by centrifugal at 9:16 PM - 4 answers

March 1

What to consider when starting a new meetup group?

What do I need to know about starting a new meetup group? My specific interest (standup paddleboarding) is not currently represented on in my area, or with any other clubs I can find nearby, but I do believe that there are folks locally who would be interested in joining such a group. So, I am thinking about starting it myself. What do I need to know? [more inside]
posted by TurkishGolds at 10:56 AM - 8 answers

February 29

felting newbie

I just fell in love with felting (wet felting was fun, making felt balls delightful and especially delightful when we cut them in half to see the squishy swirly patterns we made inside, and needle felting straight up therapeutic). This is my first textile craft ever and I am a little muddled as to what I do next. [more inside]
posted by spamandkimchi at 2:32 PM - 6 answers

Looking for a sight for a traditional recurve bow for target archery.

I practice target archery and am looking for a sight for aiming with my traditional recurve bow. I am not a hunter. Please recommend. Many thanks.
posted by Tziv at 2:29 PM - 5 answers

February 27

Updating a vintage Free Spirit Sunbird bicycle

My Free Spirit Sunbird bicycle is a hand-me-down from a friend of family, who probably got it in the 1970s. It's vintage, but not the valuable, collectible variety, and objectively it's not the best bike. I also have a newer, fancier road bike for fun. But it has sentimental value - I've had it since I was a teenager, it was an important tool for recreation and freedom when I was younger, and was my main means of transportation for many years. I haven't ridden either bicycle much in the past several years, but want to get back into biking, and am thinking of converting the Free Spirit to be better adapted to commuting and cargo trailer pulling (most weather, for use on a hard packed dirt multi-use rail trail as well as my plentifully potholed local roads). My bicycle knowledge is over a decade out of date, however. Details of advice request are below the fold. [more inside]
posted by eviemath at 9:50 PM - 17 answers

List of B-17 and B-24 bombers lost on July 9, 1944?

Can anyone suggest data sources listing all of the B-17 and B-24 bombers lost on July 9, 1944? [more inside]
posted by wenestvedt at 5:29 PM - 4 answers

February 26

I Have No Talent, and I Must Draw

I would love to be able to draw, but I have zero artistic talent. Truly, zero. Is there any hope for me? [more inside]
posted by holborne at 8:21 AM - 35 answers

February 18

Where can my mom donate her knitting for kids?

My mom loves to knit blankets, ponchos, hats, scarves etc, for children. She’s been knitting and donating them to our local Goodwill so folks can purchase them inexpensively. She’s a prolific knitter and pretty talented. Her knitting is beautiful and super cozy. Her latest is ponchos with matching headbands. Are there any organizations she could donate her creations to that would give these to kids in need directly? My Google fu is failing me.
posted by spacebologna at 10:16 AM - 11 answers

February 17

Goodbye, delicious cake

My son takes a class just south of downtown Seattle: M 6p-8p, W 6p-7:30p, Sat 10:30a-12:30p. There isn't a great place to hang out there, so I have been going to restaurants and bakeries while he's in class and have been gaining an inordinate amount of weight. What else can I do in the area at those times that doesn't involve food/drink? [more inside]
posted by rouftop at 12:29 PM - 16 answers

February 16

Please recommend a durable and portable archery back stop netting.

If applicable, please add if you have used this and how long it lasted.
posted by Tziv at 8:14 AM - 0 answers

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