Questions in the Food & Drink category.
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April 23

Ideas for using really good ricotta

I find myself with 24 oz. of really good ricotta and I'd like to make a few dishes to highlight it. Typically I'd use ricotta in something that drowns it in tomato sauce, and that's not what I'm going for here. I have a robust pantry, a Meyer lemon tree in the back yard that's still producing, access to Spring produce at the farmers' market, and many grocery stores nearby. Open to savory and/or sweet. Assume no dietary restrictions. What should I make?
posted by rhiannonstone at 2:32 PM - 17 answers

April 21

I eat salmon, love it. What are other good-guy sources of fat?

Kay Redfield Jamison, my go-to for info on manic depression, says "Eat like a grizzly. Salmon and blueberries." I'd like to go to Alaska, hop into a river and catch the fish in the air, and roar, but my life -- thus far -- has me settling for Trader Joe's. I spend the bucks for sock-eye, worth every extra nickel. There are so many fish-oil supplements, I don't mind spending extra for high quality but not just for a product with a fancy label. [more inside]
posted by dancestoblue at 7:57 PM - 15 answers

Not quite an excessive amount of lemons…. Yet…

I have 3/4ths of a cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice, a few more to juice and realized I don’t have a real plan. What is your favorite lemon based recipe? [more inside]
posted by larthegreat at 11:44 AM - 10 answers

April 20

Have frozen peas gotten starchier?

I've been cooking with frozen peas for the last twenty years. Lately I find that instead of the sweet, tender peas I'm used to, they're inevitably starchy and tough. This seems to happen whether I just defrost and warm them, or cook them for the ~5 minutes the package suggest, so I don't think it's a matter of over or undercooking. Different brands, too. Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone know the cause?
posted by umwelt at 4:41 PM - 12 answers

Butter and Flour and Convenience

My local supermarket carries this - frozen puff pastry that has been pre-cut into modest squares. I tried something with them last night and I'm a big fan now. What else can I do with them? [more inside]
posted by EmpressCallipygos at 9:09 AM - 18 answers

What's a picnic alternative to Matzah pizza?

I'm helping to organize an event for families at a park where pizza will be served. It'll be during Passover, so it'd be nice to have an alternative for Jewish families. I'm struggling to think of an equivalent we can offer since we won't have access to a stove or even a kitchen. Suggestions?
posted by Toddles at 7:25 AM - 12 answers

Korean Cooking Show

I'm trying to find a Korean cooking show I saw about 10 years ago and not having any luck finding anything via Google. I saw it on an Australian TV channel (don't remember which one - possibly it was SBS) but it was definitely filmed in Korea and the English title was something like "Cooking With Mrs Choi". [more inside]
posted by ninazer0 at 1:31 AM - 0 answers

April 19

Duplicate for Starbucks Via instant coffee

I occasionally have the need to make an instant cup of coffee. My favourite instant coffee is the "Via" packets that Starbucks sells. However, I find them to be a) expensive b) wasteful as it's individual foil sachets. But all the other instant coffee I've ever tried doesn't taste quite the same. So is it possible to get something very close in taste, in a larger container? [more inside]
posted by cpatterson at 11:36 PM - 13 answers

What should I make with these chicken thighs given the following...

What should I make with these chicken thighs given the following parameters: [more inside]
posted by saladin at 12:41 PM - 18 answers

April 17

How to focaccia ENTIRELY in the bread maker

I have a bread maker. I don't have an oven to use. I do have an air fryer. The recipes I see for focaccia bread only uses the bread maker to make the dough while doing the shaping and baking separately. With the understanding that I might not be making focaccia bread per se, can I just use a typical recipe but for the entire bread making cycle in the machine? What adjustments should I make? Otherwise, how should I interpret the recipes so I'll just make a proven dough that I can portion out to bake in the air fryer?
posted by cendawanita at 7:06 PM - 5 answers

April 16

Best practices for microwaving frozen burritos.

I learned from someone on here to put a damp paper towel over a frozen burrito when microwaving, and, voila, no more rock hard tortillas! However ... sometimes the paper towel sticks to the burrito. Plus, I'm sure there is advanced technology for this! Any other tips?
posted by bluesky78987 at 11:54 AM - 16 answers

Adding garlic to a soup too late

I forgot to add garlic with the onion at the beginning of my vegetable soup. Normally I would have fried the garlic separately and added it, but I felt too lazy and just threw some raw chopped cloves into the soup after the water had been added. Will it make a huge difference? Should I fish the cloves out of the soup now that I have the chance?
posted by iamsuper at 10:41 AM - 9 answers

April 14

What makes an essential oil 'food grade'?

I'm hoping to get my hands on some litsea oil to use in a dou hua chili oil dipping sauce, but most of what I'm finding online is not specifically marked as 'food grade' - is this just a labeling/FDA compliance thing, or are there specific reasons an essential oil might be unsafe for consumption outside of its concentration (of course I understand it will need to be diluted)? Thanks!!
posted by catcafe at 3:37 PM - 5 answers

April 12

[something, something..... milk-related pun]

I have an unopened, 2L carton of milk that expires today. What should I make to a) use it up b) extend its life a bit? [more inside]
posted by Mrs. Rattery at 5:33 AM - 12 answers

April 11

Yuba Betcha

I love tofu skin rolls and would like to make them at home. I do not want to deep or mid fry them, however. Can I make them in an air fryer? [more inside]
posted by oflinkey at 3:41 PM - 2 answers

Help me cook these chicken breasts

When I was married, I helped my wife in the kitchen quite a bit. That was more than a decade ago, and a lot of what I learned didn't stick. I'm coming to you because I can't see myself e-mailing her about how to cook sliced chicken breast on the stovetop. [more inside]
posted by bryon at 12:55 PM - 13 answers

Can I eat this? Old ham bone edition

We baked a bone-in half ham on Saturday, March 30, so it's been twelve days. Kept well refrigerated. Original expiration date far in the future. It was a "Smithfield" city ham, not a country ham, "water added". We ate most of the meat within a week. Can I use the remaining ham bone to make stock for cooking beans, or should I throw it out because it's way too old for that now? Smells okay. It's been simmering for about half an hour now.
posted by metonym at 12:10 PM - 8 answers

Yogurt Starter

I'd like to begin making my own yogurt and don't have a yogurt maker (or a pressure cooker, instapot, or dehydrator). What are your best tips, tricks, and recipes for making homemade yogurt efficiently and inexpensively? I'm especially interested in the concept of mesophilic yogurt, which can be made at room temperature, and where to buy starter.
posted by orange swan at 10:24 AM - 19 answers

"Poor Man's" X

I am trying to compile a list of food items that are commonly known as "poor man's [x]." This is surprisingly difficult to search for. [more inside]
posted by backseatpilot at 7:58 AM - 24 answers

April 9

Making a banana cake with a fish jello mold

I'd like to make a banana shaped banana cake but don't have the time to follow the complicated tutorials I'm finding online. I have a copper jello mold that is fish shaped. I know you can't bake in the jello pan, but what if I baked banana cake, crumbled it up and mixed it with frosting a la a cake pop, and then packed that into the mold and covered the whole thing with yellow fondant. Would this be a passable hack? Any other ideas to impress my 2 year old with a banana themed cake?
posted by perrouno at 10:35 AM - 12 answers

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