Questions in the Education category.
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February 13

recommend an online management course you liked

I run a small company, and one of my employees has expressed the desire to move up in her career and take on a manager role. We're looking for online courses or trainings that you took and found very valuable to help you become a good manager. Do you have a recommendation? [more inside]
posted by PardonMyFrench at 6:27 AM - 3 answers

February 12

Looking for a medical education article on coaching learners

This article had nice tables with specific examples of what the learner and the coach should ask each other. The tables were blue. The paper followed some type of model for mentorship of a learner. There are so many articles on coaching in academic medicine. I cannot find the specific one that I read. The key thing is finding a paper where there are very specific examples with verbiage supplied instructing readers on exactly what to say
posted by Lucubrator at 2:56 AM - 3 answers

February 9

Faculty Dept Chair Organization 101

Looking for Systems/Software for academic department chairs (USA) to manage tasks, deadlines, deliverables, people? Books/resources about chairing departments? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 5:48 AM - 8 answers

February 7

Realistic law school GPA for the long-graduated

Is there even a hint of a chance at law school admissions with a 2.2 GPA from long ago? [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 7:40 AM - 14 answers

1 day until presentation, panicking

I have 26 hours to prepare for a presentation, most of those hours are compromised and am having a controlled panic moment. How can I get this done? [more inside]
posted by cotton dress sock at 2:47 AM - 20 answers

February 6

How to set conditions for successful self-study?

What tips do you have to remain focused and on-track when doing solo learning for an extended period of time? [more inside]
posted by unid41 at 2:53 PM - 9 answers


I am curious to hear anecdotes from people who entered PhD programs later in life, after years in the non-academic workforce. Things like: What motivated you to do it? Did you get what you wanted out of it? Was it a difficult transition? Would you do it again? as well as logistical questions like how you approached applying to programs would all be helpful (plus anything else you'd want to add). Thanks!
posted by btfreek at 8:42 AM - 9 answers

February 3

GI Bill $; ROTC $ - What does it cover?

In order to finance college, my grandson is considering joining the military. I think this is a horrible idea, because I think one should join the military because they want to join the military, not solely because it is a means to finance college. [more inside]
posted by SageTrail at 9:31 AM - 22 answers

February 2

Occupational therapy assessment for a kid

Why would an occupational therapist be so interested in whether or not my child can hop on one foot? [more inside]
posted by ficbot at 4:23 AM - 8 answers

January 28


I'm trying to assemble a full set of 4 of these on the cheap. I can find individual volumes online but I'm wondering if I will regret collecting different volumes from different years. If you use these, can you tell me if mixing and matching 2019 Volume 1 with 2021 Volume 3 is going to cause me serious pain? [more inside]
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 5:49 PM - 3 answers

January 21

Tips and tricks for becoming a tiger mom

So, it's become clear that I need to be way more involved in my 6th grade son's academics than I have been. (Read through my past AskMes for background!) I come from a Gen X background where my parents were not at all involved in academics, so it all feels very unfamiliar to me. My son has a lengthy IEP but his behavioral issues have always taken precedence over academics in terms of my energy and financial resources. Now in middle school I can't continue to ignore academics. [more inside]
posted by haptic_avenger at 9:32 AM - 34 answers

January 19

How to visualize university budget models?

I'm looking for clear, easy-to-understand visual representations or diagrams of the various higher education budgeting models: where does the money come in from, how does it get apportioned through various parties and stakeholders—academics, athletics, maintenance, administration, etc.—and where does it get spent or produce value? I'm guessing graduate textbooks in management accounting or the economics of higher education would be the first place to look, but I'm not having any luck. [more inside]
posted by vitia at 7:15 PM - 5 answers

January 17

What should a teen know about applying to college these days?

Little turtle will be going to college soon even though they do not know what they want to major in and have no real plan - and I don't want to make any costly mistakes. More below the fold. [more inside]
posted by turtlefu at 9:04 PM - 30 answers

January 15

Double down? Double or nothing? Or duplicity? Faculty job hunt edition

This week I have to make a big choice - I could take a faculty job at a university away from my partner/family/friends; I could turn it down to continue with my applications in better locations, including one I have a campus visit for next month; or I could listen, against my better judgment, to the advice of my colleagues telling me I should say yes to the first place but keep pursuing the others. More details after the jump. [more inside]
posted by anonymous at 10:20 PM - 21 answers

How do I reach theese keeds? (First-year architecture students edition)

I will be teaching a college class on ‘academic skills’ to a very large group of first-year architecture students and am looking for ideas. [more inside]
posted by Desertshore at 1:58 PM - 17 answers

December 31, 2023

How to stop hating myself and feeling inferior without a degree?

I don't have a university degree. All I have for an education is a high school diploma, a CDL, and a one-year college diploma from a career college. My therapist says I put too much emphasis and importance on a degree for my self-esteem, but I don't know how not to. [Mod edit: Content warning for R-word / slur used multiple times, in context from one who suffered from this language] [more inside]
posted by 8LeggedFriend at 9:45 AM - 50 answers

December 23, 2023

Science Fair Experiment at the Beach

My kid (5) has a science fair project due in Feb. We’re currently at an East Coast beach for a few more days. Any cool experiments we can do? [more inside]
posted by inevitability at 7:15 PM - 12 answers

December 22, 2023

ISO voice/music lessons/teacher for sorta shy music-loving 12 y.o.

In search of recommendations for teachers (especially, but not exclusively, voice) doing virtual lessons. Voice, theory, piano, and trumpet leads would all be welcome .. [more inside]
posted by elgee at 8:56 AM - 2 answers

December 21, 2023

Finding the DDS number for books

OCLC will shortly shut off the service that lets us look up DDS numbers for free (and WorldCat requires a subscription to get them). The LoC has not noticeably improved in this regard over the years. We can probably tease them out of various online catalogs, but it would be great to have a single site. Suggestions would be very welcome.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 6:45 PM - 4 answers

December 16, 2023

Online Spanish learning with graded exercises and 1:1 tutoring

I'm looking for recommendations for an online Spanish learning service that includes both a traditional coursebook with graded exercises and 1:1 live tutoring and conversation sessions. [more inside]
posted by jedicus at 9:23 AM - 3 answers

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